Installation of Pillar Fabric Light Box

Perhaps you have noticed that in airports, shopping malls, or high-speed rail stations, we often see eye-catching pillar fabric lightboxes.

As a new type of advertising lightbox, pillar fabric lightboxes do not take up too much space, but they plays important role in promoting brands, spreading goods and services for corporations.

So, what are installation steps for pillar fabric lightboxes?

pillar fabric lightboxes with LED lights

Installation steps of pillar fabric lightboxes

1. Select installation address

Pillar fabric lightboxes need to be installed on flat and stable ground, and display effect and safety of lightboxes must be taken into consideration.

It is recommended to choose a location with a large flow of people for installation, while leaving a certain amount of surrounding space for easy viewing and maintenance.

When selecting a site, you also need to consider whether there is a power interface to avoid being unable to connect to power supply after installation is completed.

2. Installation bracket

After confirming installation location, you need to prepare brackets. Brackets should be made of solid, reliable materials, and appropriate specifications and quantity should be selected according to sizes of pillar fabric lightboxes.

When installing brackets, you need to lay a fixed foundation on ground, and then fix brackets on foundation to ensure that  brackets are stable and firm.

3. Install pillar fabric lightboxes

After choosing a location and installing brackets, you need to secure pillar fabric lightboxes to brackets.

There are generally 2 fixing methods. One is to use screws to fix pillar fabric lightboxes onto brackets, and the other is to clamp lightboxes on brackets.

4. Connect power supply

After fixing pillar fabric lightboxes, you need to connect it to power supply.

When connecting to power supply, pay attention to whether power specifications and interface type of pillar fabric lightboxes are consistent with electrical equipment in the store to avoid short circuits or other safety accidents.

5. Debugging pillar fabric lightboxes

After connecting power supply, you need to debug pillar fabric lightboxes.

First check whether pillar fabric lightboxes are on and whether they are blinking incorrectly or going out. If they are working properly, parameters such as brightness and color temperature need to be adjusted to achieve best lighting effect.

6. Precautions

During installation process, you should read  instruction manual carefully and stay focused during preparation and installation process to avoid safety accidents caused by carelessness.


Above are installation steps of pillar fabric lightboxes, if you still have any confusion, just let us know.

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